Domenica 29 marzo si voterà per il Referendum Costituzionale sulla riduzione del numero dei Parlamentari. di Andrea Zhok Secondo gli ultimi sondaggi si tratterà di un plebiscito, dove gli italiani in una percentuale oscillante tra l’85 e il 90% approveranno il taglio. Non per la prima volta, e probabilmente non …
Leggi tutto »A due anni dal promesso addio, Renzi e Boschi in prima linea
La vignetta irriverente della pagina Le più belle frasi di Osho, oggi, suscita una riflessioncina. Due anni fa, in occasione del referendum costituzionale che proponeva di modificare sostanzialmente l’assetto parlamentare della Repubblica, Renzi e Boschi promisero esplicitamente di ritirarsi dalla vita pubblica, per altri lidi lavorativi, tutti da esplorare, sicché …
Leggi tutto »Spain clumsy tries to close the parentheses of the Catalan republic
The crisis in the iberic region is going deeper and deeper while we are writing. Eight Catalan ministers were jailed by a court of law in Madrid. Puigdemont and other ministers who flew to Bruxelles were called to answer to the spanish court of sedition and attempt to undermine the …
Leggi tutto »Huevos
Da settimane va avanti la pantomima sull’indipendenza catalana. Probabilmente, da ieri, il Premier Mariano Rajoy ha trovato il suo interlocutore per dibattere della questione. Si chiama Luca Zaia.
Leggi tutto »Puigdemont asks for dialogue avoiding Rajoy’s demand to be clear
Puigdemont clarified just one thing: he is afraid. The Catalan President, after have called independence and freezing it, has called for a dialogue with the Spanish prime minister, in a missive to Rajoy. In this letter, however, Carles Puigdemont completely failed to clarify whether he will officialy and once for …
Leggi tutto »The Catalan issue after the referendum
As it was predictable, the referendum set up in Catalonia has had, as a result, a prebiscite for a new, independent, Republic of Catalonia. Last night king Felipe held a speech in which he assured that Catalan people “will be never left alone”. This aknowledgement looked like a threat, rather …
Leggi tutto »Republic of Catalonia: the referendum
The issue of Catalan referendum has some underestimate points. The great majority of the Countries throughout the world had been constituted by invasions, wars, violent and continued defence of invented borders. Some countries, on the other hand, were born by pacific and not violent reactions to invaders. The most clamant …
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