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Has Monti really healed the italian accounts?

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As usually happens when news come from abroad, the stranger’s mind are shadowed by the superficiality of some kind of journalists. Today, to make an evident example, the Focus information Agency said that when the Professor (this is how Monti is named) took power, Italy was threatened of bankrupt.

Nothing more wrong. If some economists try to affirm that the value of the spread (the difference in interest that Italy must offer on 10-year debt compared with German Bunds, narrowed today to 285.6 percentage points) is the indicator of a threat of bunkrupt they certainly are in bad faith.

We know for sure that during Berlusconi’s governament the spread have reached really high level, but this is not because of an ill economy, but for financial reasons: very close to the bank world, very close to the getting-worse trust of the European Union in the italian peninsula.

EU is a money, financial and banking society, leaded by Germany and France. Monti is very confortable with this fact, the right-wing governament was not.  Italian debt, something that the Focus information Agency forgot, is highly increased; inoccupation is highly increased; taxes are something unbearable for the honest italian worker.
As many people outside Italy think, embraced to their own prejudices, we are criminals, but an italian songwriter once sang: “Ci hanno insegnato che è un delitto il non rubare quando si ha fame” – “They teached us that’s a crime not to steal when we are hungry”.

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