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Europe looks at you as a social model

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Over there by you in the Usa, the global think who comes in our european eyes is that you, american people, (or most of you) think that  “A rotten mind, which wants to commit destruction in whatever mean, will always find a way.” There are some against objections to be set about this topic.

Maybe because we live in such a very old community of countries, our way of thinking is someway plagiarized (or destroyed) by an infiltrated and coercive State machine, we have a very strong skin and we are able, despite of what you people could believe about us, to think about death penalty and heavy legalized use of weapons just as an abomination.

We (most of us) agree that a rotten mind will look for opportunities. Sure! But why does it mainly happen in USA and not, let?s say, in Europe? Why is it not a worldwide problem? And repeatedly only in USA? Could it be that is has something to do with
1. having those opportunities (incredibile availability of weapons) and
2. the “atmosphere” of a society (no prospects and hate against society). Rotten minds are created (not congenital) as most psychiatric patients are not mass murderers. “Rotten minds” can be detected and can be prevented / treated. Look at their psychiatric profile (most are youngsters, loners without prospects, and men).

Usa can do something about this: no weapons (the murders chain will be less extensive) and tracing (could be part of the medical tests at national service entrance). Those are just humble suggestions to the country that “released” us and because of that, not thinking it was a war contest, many people here in Europe still watch at your social and political sistem as an exemplary model for us ancient people… We have the same illnesses such as autism even here in Europe. Do something to stop the lobbysm, the selling weapons market, to erase the differences between big and modern cities and small town set close to mountains and deserts. 

Just this way you possibly could be considered a united (federal) and a civil country.

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