High Tech

Qwant, the privacy proof search engine

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Qwant, a new French-born search engine is about to be launched in the italian market.

Alberto Chalon, director and manager of Qwant, declares that Qwant, inserted in the italian market just yesterday, is based on a complete new algorithm. The difference between this algorithm and the others used by the main search engines is mainly one.

Qwant does not save your IP, the main number that identifies every device. It is all based on a anonimous data. It provides neutral, not partial, and possibly objective answers to the utent.

Some historic names in the web search engine world.

In the wide european market, Google still monopolizes the web searching, with 95% of all the researches.

Eric Lendri founded Qwant in France in 2013, then he was able enough to get many financial founds.

The money have been collected particularly from EU: 25 millions €, but were also arisen by the german editorial group Azel Springer and from the French “Caisse des dépôts et consignations“, who invested 15 millions into the project.

No more pedantry from your web search engine.

Dear John Smith, long-distance run amator, engaged to Maria and lover of  northern italian red wine, who has got a secret passion for gambling and who whatches some porn: here is the answer to your research, keeping in consideration all your browsing life and your hidden preferences.

Anything like that for the users who will choose Qwant. An option to have no more privacy concerns if in Italy this website will reach 4% of the web users like it already happened in France.

The search engine that respects your personal life,

is the motto of Qwant, while the logo design is made by an annoying rainbow combination, that looks not so original in color choice.

Let’s see how it works. The search engine furnishes you three columns of results for your research: Web; News; Social. Above the columns there’s a row with the images referred to your search. This distinction, innovative but not futuristic, is very clean and clear.  It appears like a magnetic visual and content choice. The response time is fast.



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