Appello ai deputati del Parlamento europeo di tutte le nazionalità relativamente alla segregazione in Arabia Saudita di Chiara Invernizzi.
Cari colleghi,
come avrete saputo dai mezzi di informazione si sta verificando un gravissimo atto di violazione dei diritti umani nei confronti della cittadina italiana Chiara Invernizzi, prigioniera del marito musulmano, che l’ha ripudiata in Arabia Saudita.
È evidente che non possiamo come cittadini europei tollerare tale situazione per questo vi chiedo cortesemente di sottoscrivere l’appello alla Baronessa Ashton affinché intervenga immediatamente per liberare Chiara.
Qualora siate interessati a sottoscriverlo vi prego di dare una risposta entro venerdì 7 settembre ore 11.00.Cordiali saluti
Oreste Rossi
Europarlamentare Gruppo ELD
Dear colleagues,
as you were informed by international media, an Italian citizen Mrs Chiara Invernizzi is actually victim of a terrible case of violation of human rights in Saudi Arabia.
By the fact she is a prisoner of her Muslim husband, after she has been repudiated.
According by Islamic law, her husband denies visa to travel abroad and prevents her from returning to Italy; Chiara is also a victim of psychological and physical violence, but she cannot rebel because her husband has threatened to report her for adultery, punishable with the death penalty.
Her life is in danger, and her individual freedom needs to fall under international protection.
We all have to oppose the death penalty in all cases without exception regardless of the nature of the crime, the characteristics of the offender, or the method of execution used by the state.
First of all as “European Citizens” and then acting as the representatives of European democracy, in defense of human rights ever, we can not tolerate this situation, so I ask you to sign this appeal to Baroness Ashton in a way that She intervenes immediately for release her immediately and unconditionally.
If you are interested signed it the deadline is on 7th September at 11.00 a.m.
Best regards
On. Oreste ROSSI
Europarlamentare Gruppo ELD